The word INTERBEING comes from Buddhism. It is a way to describe how every living thing is made of elements that aren’t itself. As dance artists who’s practices privilege attention and attunement to sensation, listening, and relationship through instant composition, we are actively honing and refining our porousness and our ability to both define and expand the territory of our physical and emotional boundaries towards connection.
In our porosity and listening with each other, there is a reflection of this state of INTERBEING; the ability to recognize ‘other’ within ourselves, and through that to allow ourselves to be changed – simultaneously softened and made more resilient – by our innate interconnection.
Say your last goodbye
Send the birds out
Close the door as I leave
Milk the solitude of your nightmares
Another birth after another death
Is it enough?
Or are you still hungry for more?
Unicorn at your back yard
Broken melody of our last dance
Plant another seed and pray for the harvest
A seagull dropping feathers
Digital technology entering your memories
Your dream is to be a new born again
Wounds are bleeding
Your broken heart is your strength
No space is left for sorrow
You are a Phoenix
Your ashes is your new skin
-Vera Lapitskaya-
- Concept: Maya M. Carroll
- Dance, composition & voice: Maya M. Carroll, Vera Lapitskaya & Nadja Pärssinen
- Field recordings & electroacoustic media: Roy Carroll
- Video recordings: Xavier Bambú Locquet Vandenberghe
- Promo photos: Virpi Velin
- Production: FlowWowProductions & Catalysti Transcultural artists in Finland
- Supporter: Taike – Art promotion center Finland, Cultural center Sähinä & Indictus-studio.
- Open door performances: in Indictus-studio, Helsinki.