SOLITUDE – Interpretations of space, light and body
by photographer Virpi Velin
In the photo Nadja Pärssinen
In Virpi Velin’s words:
“I started with the theme of SOLITUDE in 2013 during moments of being alone. I observed and photographed the relationship between space and light in architectural details in interiors and exteriors. An important starting point for the work was to be present in the moment and make observations of the dialogue between space and light. In 2017 I started to work with dancer and choreographer Nadja Pärssinen and the moving body became central for the working process. I reacted to the movements of the dancer’s body by moving myself and documenting the movement with my camera. In this open and intuitive collaboration between two moving bodies and the camera that documents the movement, the borderlines of the body change, expand, dissolve and leave traces to the space. The body becomes a plastic material that has the possibility to transform and take new shapes.”
Exhibition in Gallery of Rantakasarmi, Suomenlinna, Helsinki 23.11-17.12.2017