- 2006-2009 North Karelia´s Vocational Dance Department, Choreographer and dancer
- 2015-2016 Theater and pedagogy studies, Open University of UNIARTS, Helsinki (32 credits)
- 2020-2021 Dance and pedagogy studies, Open University of UNIARTS, Helsinki (27 credits)
- 2023- The philosophy of the knowledge of the body, Helsingin, Open University of UNIARTS, Helsinki (2 credits.)
Contemporary dance and Choreography/performance studies
Rosalind Crisp solo practice and choreographic improvisation workshops, Keren Levi´s choreography´s studies, Sybrig Doktor´s choreography studies, Liisa Pentti´s choreography studies, Julyen Hamilton´s, Maya M. Carroll´s & Paolo Cingolani´s performance and instant composition workshops, Nancy Stark Smith´s and Barbara Pfundt´s contact improvisation workshop and release and floor work from Sanna Myllylahti, Fornier Ortiz, Fransesco Scavetta, Keren Levi, David Zombrano passing through and Milan Kozanek, Zuna Kozanokova´s/Articy Company.
Yoshi Omori, Gabriele Goria, Milan Kozanek, Zuna Kozanokova´s/Articy Company
Since 2019-
- LET THE WANDERING TALK ON IT´S OWN BEHALF multidisciplinary performances (Pärssinen, Rose & Jalerva) in Tanssivirtaa contemporary dance festival in Tampere city/Finland & LakeStudios Berlin Unfinished Friday event in Berlin city/Germany.
- THE LANDSCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… dance film (Pärssinen & Javits) in Cutural Center Caisa, part of Dance Screen in Caisa program in Helsinki city/Finland.
- SKETCHES OF NORTH (Pärssinen & Karjalainen) in WHS-theater space in Helsinki city/Finland.
- TRANS/QUEER JOY AS AN ACT OF RESISTANCE (Pärssinen, Rose & Karjalainen) documentation video (30 min.) in TITANIC Gallery exhibition in Turku city/Finland.
- LET THE WANDERING TALK ON IT´S OWN BEHALF (Pärssinen & Rose) in ASKEL – Pop up LIVE Performance event, Lahti city/Finland, Pikku-Virgiinia Autumn festival and Pikku-Virgiinia Winter Festival in Helsinki city/Finland.
- SKETCHES OF NORTH visual exhibitions (Karjalainen & Pärssinen) in MUU gallery in Helsinki city/Finland and in K.H.Rendlun museo in Kouvola city/Finland.
- FOOTNOTES dance film (Pärssinen & Antikainen) in ASKEL – Pop u // dance movies event in Lahti city/Finland.
- THE LANDSCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… dance film (Pärssinen & Javits) in Pikku-Virgiinia Autumn festival´s dance film event and Pikku-Virgiinia Winter festival´s dance film event in Helsinki city/Finland.
- LET THE WANDERING TALK ON IT´S OWN BEHALF (Pärssinen & Rose) in Wanderlust event in Kulttuurikeskus Sähinä space in Helsinki city/Finland and in Danverkstaedid residency platform in Reykjavik city/Iceland.
- THAT dance piece Pärssinen, Raipala, Heinonen, Rose & curator Rosalind Crisp (Aust.) in Liikelaituri platform in Tampere city/Finland, Dance studio Focus and Oodi Libdary´s Maijansali satage in Helsinki city/Finland.
- THE LANDSCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… a short dance film, (Pärssinen & Javits), Screenings & artist talks in Experiential Artistic Processes as Research – Winter Symposium 7th circle in Riga city/Latvia), International dance day in library of Iso-Omena shopping mall in Espoo city/Finland, in A Bloc shopping mall & Aalto Yliopisto space in Espoo city/Finland, part of Caffee and moving images vol. 3 event, produced by a film maker Kati Kallio in WHS-theater in Helsinki) and Alakaupunki festival (Helsinki).
- LET THE WANDERING TALK ON IT´S OWN BEHALF installation performances with sound designer Stephen Stamper in KEIDAS residency (Sanna Kekäläinen´s Company) in city of Helsinki.
- FOOTNOTES a short dance film. Collaboration with video artist Sari Antikainen. Premier in KONTTORI cafe & community space in Cable factory, city of Helsinki. Performances as well in virtual world (vimeo-facebook).
- FOOTNOTES 2 installation performances with video artist Sari Antikainen, sound designer and cellist Marie-Claire Schlameus in Cultural center Sähinä in city of Helsinki & Gallery Aarni in city of Espoo.
- THAT dance piece and collaborative work. Choreography and dance in a collaboration with Iiris Raipala and Kira Heinonen. Demoin ASKE – pop up -event in city of Lahti.
- NOTES OF WALKING sound and movement based performance with youth & sound designer & cellist Marie-Claire Schlameus. Performance in Tallberg park region of Lauttasaari and in Tanssintalo space in April. Output is in virtual word (Youtube).
- THE LANDSCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… a short dance film, (chor. Pärssinen & Javits), Screenings & artist talks: Tanssivintti´s dance school in Helsinki, Kälviä´s folk high shcool´s of the dance, circus and theater department in Central Ostrobathnia region, RIVERIA vocational school´s dance department in North Karelia, Dancing in the mountains in Slovakia, Dance movies pop up X in Lahti city and MAPPING dance art festival in Helsinki city/Finland and in Western regional Dance Centre´s Christmas event (virtual) in city of Turku/Finland.
- LANDESCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… & DANCE MOMENTS!, backyard of main library, Turku.
- MIRROR MIRROR SEES THEM ALL, (Chor. Pärssinen, Velin, Fusco), 3 performances part pf Big Brothers & Sisters edition 2, Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki.
- THE LANDSCAPE ESCAPES IN A RELATION TO… a short dance film, (Chor. Pärssinen & Javits), Performances: “Eläköön tanssielokuva” event, WHS theatre (Helsinki), ”Tampere Tanssivirtaa” contemporary dance festival (Tampere) and in the main library (Turku).
- OUR SOLIDARIC BODIES, (Chor. Nadja Pärssinen & workteam), premier High School of Mattliden, Espoo.
- KARTOITUS, (Chor. Nadja Pärssinen & Katriina Kantola) tour (4 performances) in high schools, region of Vantaa.
- DEEP SKIN, tour. Performance in Cultural center Caisa (Helsinki), Liikelaituri performance space (Tampere) & LOKATANSSIT event in Pikkuteatteri theatre (Lahti).
- HOME SWEET HOME (Chor. Pärssinen, Tynjälä & Pulkkinen), premier in No Labels No Walls festival, Helsinki.
- KARTOITUS, (Chor. Nadja Pärssinen & Katriina Kantola), tour ( 4 performances) in High Schools, region of Espoo.
- MIRROR MIRROR SEES THEM ALL, (Chor. Pärssinen, Velin & Fusco), premier in Cultural Center Caisa, Helsinki.
- DEEP SKIN, premier in C4-space, Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Helsinki.
KARTOITUS, (Chor. Nadja Pärssinen & Katriina Kantola), premier in Vapaan Taiteen Tila, Helsinki.
FIERCE AISLES OF LIGHT in RaumArs residency, Rauma.
- INITIAL POINT(S) – SOLITUDE, (Chor. Pärssinen & Velin), Gallery of Rantakasarmi, Helsinki
- PAINO, LakeStudio residency Berlin, Germany
KAIKU, (Chor. Lindy & Pärssinen), Höyhentämö theater, Helsinki - LAND(E)SCAPES, Cultural Center Caisa, Helsinki.
- LAND(E)SCAPES premier in Free Art Space, Helsinki. Performances: Vernissa theatre (Vantaa), Liikelaituri performance space (Tampere) & RIVERIA Vocational Dance Department (Outokumpu).
- ANMASS, (Chor. Pärssinen & ANMASS workgroup), Free Art Space, Helsinki.
- WANDERER, (Chor. Venäläinen & Pärssinen), premier in Generator theatre (Routa Company), Kajaani. Performances: Undergraduated theater (Helsinki), Little theater (Lahti), Sotku theater (Kuopio), Art museum HAPINNES (Joensuu), RIVERIA Vocational Dance Department (Outokumpu).
- CONTACT, (Chor. Haaponiemi & Pärssinen) premier and performances: WestFestDance festival, New York, USA, Undergraduated theater, Tampere, Movement platform space, Tampere & Restaurant Telakka, Tampere.
- FROM MEMORY TO DANCE, Auditorium space, Kangasniemi
- FROM MEMORY TO DANCE, premier in Little theatre, Lahti
- LEIPÄÄ & SIRKUSHUVEJA, (Chor.Nadja Pärssinen, Maija Tuomi, Elsa Heikkilä & Helena Kekäläinen), premier in MD theatre, Tampere.
- TOUCH, (Chor. Pärssinen & Risberg), premier and 3 performances in Littletheatre, Lahti.
- BETWEEN, (Chor. Pärssinen & Lapitskaya), premier in Kaktus festival, Helsinki
- INTERBEING dance piece with Maya M. Carroll, Vera Lapitskaya, Nadja Pärssinen. Filed recordings and electroacoustic media by Roy Carroll. Open door performances in Indictus-studio, Helsinki.
- NOCORE, Chor. Beniamino Borghi, National Museum of Finland, Helsinki
- FUTURE DELAY, Chor. Madeline Hollander,Contemporary Art Gallery, Helsinki
- INNERCORE, Chor. Beniamino Borghi, Museum of Loviisa part of TransFolk festival, Loviisa
- SUOJASSA?,Chor. Anna Venäläinen & workteam. Premier in Art Center of Ahjo (Joensuu). Performances: Lonely In The Rain festival (Joensuu) & seminar by association of FinFami (Joensuu).
- LEIKKISANAKIRJA, Chor. Vera Lapitskaya. Tour in kindergarten with 13 performances, region of Southern Finland.
- LEIKKISANAKIRJA, Chor.Vera Lapitskaya, Tour in kindergartens with 9 performances, region of Southern Finland.
- ANMASS, Intensive studies with a choreographer Rosalind Crisp in Residency of Zodiak – Center of New Dance, Helsinki.
- AQURELLES, Chor. Silvia Verges, premier and performances in Cultural Centre of Vernissa, Vantaa.
- OPTIKE, Chor, Anu Sistonen, premier and 3 performances in Cultural Center of Valve, Oulu
- IMMERSIVE LISTENING, Chor. Laonikos Psimikakis-Chalkokondylis & workteam. Working in Patakallio & Ahvenusjärvi. Performance in Free Art Space, Helsinki.
- ”RADIO”, Chor. Anniina Kinnunen. Premier in ArtFare Suomi 15´ -event. Performances in UrbanApa festival, Helsinki.
- CAIDA LIBRE, Chor. Sharon Fridman & Company. Premier in HOP event, Helsinki.
- OODI JALOILLE, Chor. Linda Kuha, premier and performances in Cultural Centre of Rulla, Tampere.
SOUNDPAINTING, Chor. Ceren Oran in Deltebre festival, Spain.
- 2017 Virpi Velin – SOLITUDE photography
- 2016 Martu Väisänen – FEELING -photography
2015 Valeria Archeno – photography
2013 Anna-Kaisa Hartikainen – Game OR dance OR art photography
2013 Jyrki Soine – Reflection-Reaction – photography
2011 Jyrki Soine – OFF-VIA photography
- 2023 Instant composition towards dance/performance, Espai en Moviment, Cornudella/Spain.
- 2023 Instant composition for adults, collage, Helsinki
- 2023 Instant composition, floor work & acrobatic, Helsinki dance school, Helsinki
- 2022 Profitraining Dansverkstaedid, Iceland
- 2022 Profitraining (Instant composition/floor work) at the Tanssille ry, Helsinki
- 2022 Teaching instant composition and improvisation skills at Iceland University of Arts, Iceland
- 2022 Choreographic directions and coming together! at the Tanssille ry, Helsinki
- 2021 Profitraining in RIVERIA vocational school (dance department).
- 2021 Profitraining in Keski pohjanmaan folk high school (dance department), Kokkola
- 2021 Profitraining at the Tanssivintti school (spring & autumn), Helsinki
- 2020 Profitraining in at the Tanssille ry, Helsinki
- 2020 Profitraining in Turku DansArt.
- 2020 Teaching CI/MUSIC class & jam with a drummer Amanda Blomqvist, Helsinki
- 2019 Being located in between workshop, Cultural Center Sähinä, Helsinki
- 2019 Floor work & Improvisation for adults and youth, Dance school of Footlight, Helsinki
- 2019 Profitraining Tampere at the TREenit Ry!, Tampere
- 2018 Profitraining Turku Dansart, Turku
- 2018 INTERACTIVE BODY workshop Turku Dansart, Turku
- 2018 Profitraining Helsinki Dance Company, Helsinki
- 2018 Profitraining at the Tanssille ry, Helsinki
- 2018 Profitraining Turku DansArt, Turku
- 2017 Contemporary dance classes in Helsinki´s Alexander theatre, Helsinki
- 2017 Contemporary dance classes in Pohjanmaa´s dance regional center, Helsinki
- 2024 Live composition for performance by Rosalind Crisp, Culture center Sähinä, Helsinki
- 2022 Solo practice by Rosalind Crisp, Culture center Sähinä, Helsinki
- 2021 Rhythm & sound by Maya M. Caroll,Culture center Sähinä, Helsinki
- 2016 Choreographic improvisation workshop by Rosalind Crisp, Zodiak-New Dance Centre, Helsinki
- 2016 CI – Physical Poetries by Karl Frost, Zodiak-New Dance Centre, Helsinki
- 2015 Dynamic Partnering workshop by Brandon Gonzales, Zodiak-New Dance Centre, Helsinki
- 2024 Vantaa´s dance school, Emergency working group, Helsinki/Finland
- 2024 Western Regional dance centrum, Trans/Queer Joy as an Act of Resistance duet, Turku/Finland
- 2024 Lake-Studios residency, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf solo, Berlin/Germany
- 2023 Espai en Moviment – Climbing/Dancing research working group, Cornudella/Spain.
- 2022 Dansverkstaedid – Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf working group, Reykjavik/Iceland
- 2022 Western Regional centrum dance residency, instant composition practice, Turku/Finland
- 2021 Vantaa´s dance school, THAT working group, Vantaa/Finland.
- 2021 Sanna Kekäläinen Company´s KEIDAS residency, Let the wandering talk on its own behalf working group, Helsinki/Finland
- 2021 Cultural center Sähinä, FOOTNOTES 2 working group, Lauttasaari/Finland
- 2020 HOPE theatre, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf solo, Helsinki/Finland
- 2020 Liikelaituri residency, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf solo, Helsinki/Finland
- 2020 Liisa Pentti + CO residency, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf solo, Helsinki/Finland
- 2019 Vaba Lava, Our Solidaric bodies working group, Narva/Estonia
- 2019 RIVERIA vocational school, dance department, Our solidaric bodies group, Outokumpu/Finland
- 2019 Cultural Center Sähinä, Our solidaric bodies working group, Helsinki/Finland
- 2018 Cultural Center Caisa, Mirror Mirror Sees Them All working group, Helsinki/Finland
- 2018 RaumaArs – Fierce Aisles of Light solo work in progress,Rauma/Finland
2017 LakeStudio, Weight solo work in progress, Berlin/Germany
2016 Island of Iniö, working, Land(e)scapes solo, West-Finland
2016 RIVERIA vocational school, dance department, Land(e)scapes solo, Outokumpu/Finland
2014 RIVERIA vocational school, dance department, Wanderer group, Outokumpu/Finland
- 2017 Na Grani contemporary dance festival, Jekaterinburg/Russian. Support by Dance Info Finland
- 2013 Deltebre Danca in Spain. Supported by Tamper City grant
- 2019-2023 Active board member in association of Catalysti – Transcultural Artists in Finland
- 2021-2023 Treasurer in association of Catalysti – Transcultural Artists in Finland
- 2025, Artistic grand for 1 year 2025, Taike – Arts promotion Center Finland
- 2024, EMERGENCY working group, Taike – Arts promotion Center Finland
- 2024, Personal grant (1 month), Espoo City
- 2024, Trans/Queer Joy as an Act of Resistance working group, Urban Apa Home residency
- 2024, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf working group, Tampere Tanssivirtaa contemporary dance festival
- 2023, Pikku-Virgiinia Winter Festival, Helsinki city
- 2022, Mobility grant to Iceland to perform, Nordic Culture Point
- 2022, THAT working group, City of Helsinki
- 2022, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf working group, Catalysti – Transcultural Artists in Finland.
- 2022, Sketches of North working group (Karjalainen & Pärssinen), Avek – Media art grant
- 2022, Training and research grant, TAIKE – Arts promotion Center Finland (corona grant, 4th).
- 2022, Visibility of Wanderlust project, City of Espoo.
- 2021, Let the wandering talk on it´s own behalf working group, TAIKE – Arts promotion Center Finland (national).
- 2021, KARTOITUS festival, City of Helsinki.
- 2021, FOOTNOTES dance film´s working group, Avek – Media art grant
- 2021, Interbeing working group, Catalysti – Transcultural artists in Finland
- 2021, FOOTNOTES 2 installation working group, City of Espoo.
- 2021, FOOTNOTES 2 installation & THAT dance piece, TAIKE – Arts promotion Center Finland (corona grant, 3rst).
- 2021, FOOTNOTES dance film & dance workshops, TAIKE – Arts promotion Center Finland (corona grant, 2rst).
- 2020, Mirror Mirror Sees Them All working team, Catalysti – Transcultural artists in Finland
- 2020, Mirror Mirror Sees Them All installation performance workteam, Catalysti – Transcultural Artists in Finland
- 2020, Let the wandering talk own it´s own behalf solo work in process, TAIKE – Arts promotion Center Finland (corona grant, 1rst).
- 2020, The landscape escapes in a relation too… a short dance film project, City of Espoo.
- 2020, Our solidaric bodies workteam, City of Helsinki.